Show Dates and News

National Show: Lincoln Showground, 9th and 10th November, 2025. Graham Hicks is judging.

Federation Show: Stafford Showground, 20th and 21st December, 2025. Victoria Roberts is judging.

TCUK Regional Shows 2025 – Cornwall Championship 25/01, Devon Fanciers 08/02

Royal Cornwall, Great Yorkshire Show, Launceston, Wigtown. These shows will provide judges to allow TCUK members to exhibit.


AS OF MONDAY 10TH FEBRUARY 2025 due to the increase of avian influenza outbreaks, poultry gatherings (sales and shows) are banned. We do not have a date for this to be lifted, it will depend on how many more outbreaks happen. It is imperative that your biosecurity is at its highest level in order to protect your flock.

The AGM at the National: Five members attended. Elections from the March AGM were confirmed. Pasi Hellsten officiated as Club Show judge, Champion Turkey, a Slate stag – D and D Wakeham. Turkey Best Eggs – John Tickle, these went on to be Show Champion Eggs! Excellent publicity.

Another Club Stand was purchased to cover shows in the south for 2025.

71 paid-up members received the AGM Minutes in January, the November Newsletter went to the full past membership list. This was a) to prompt those who had not yet renewed their membership and b) in order for everyone to contribute their colours and numbers to Malcolm Thompson who had kindly agreed to organise the DEFRA 24/25 Census. This annual survey shows just the numbers and colours of turkeys (no personal details) so that DEFRA knows they are “at risk” if bird flu causes lockdown. Please respond positively to his contact with your colours and numbers straight away.

The renewed website is a work in progress and should be fully functional in February 2025.

Avian Influenza is on the rise again with Eastern England and Shropshire in housing lockdown as of 25th January. Shows are currently still allowed, DEFRA and APHA will keep us informed.

Victoria Roberts