Turkey Club history

Malcolm Thompson, Vice President, describes TCUK Events from Newsletters

  • 1999

    Idea of a Turkey Club discussed at Kingsbridge Show.

  • 2000

    First newsletter stating aims of TCUK:

    Conserve and promote all breeds of turkey

    Affiliate to the Poultry Club of Great Britain and to decide upon and to maintain breed Standards

    Encourage and assist with advice anyone keeping turkeys

    Work towards establishing higher profile for the turkey as an exhibition bird and utility species of poultry

    Whenever possible promote the turkey by education and illustration.

    Inaugural show with Domestic Waterfowl Club (DWC) at Balsall Common, Coventry on 12th November 2000: John Breslain judged 52 entries: Champion: Helen Holloway Bronze stag, Res: Amy and Michael Moorhouse.

    A meeting at the show supported leaving umbrella of the Rare Poultry Society and form an independent breed club.

  • 2001

    Foot & Mouth affected promotion at shows.

    40 members enrolled by Spring. December – First AGM at PCGB National, release from Rare Poultry Society achieved, application to affiliate to PCGB.

    Peter Hayford Chair: Janice Houghton-Wallace Sec and Treasurer: Patron Will Burdett: President Carol Harvey: Vice Pres. R Marriot: Committee – Kay Breslain, Michael Moorhouse, Jack Killeen.

    Main Shows DWC / National / Federation / Kingsbridge / Gransden.

    Standards committee set up for PCGB Standards Book in 2007. Website established www.turkeyclub.org.uk

  • 2002

    First census produced a disappointing response, 137 members joined, Year Book compiled. Merchandise available e.g. sweatshirts, cards. Appeal for turkey feathers from crafters.

  • 2003

    Breeders’ Directory established and printed in Year Book. Turkey Archive material received from R King.

    Standards for Norfolk Black, Buff, and Narragansett finalised. Panel D individual judging test for turkeys.

    DEFRA regulations on animal disposal – turkeys not exempt. Summer Show Calendar evolves with turkey classes at 10 shows.

  • 2004

    Workshop at Bicton College, Devon, organised by Duchy, presentations by Peter Hayford and vet Victoria Roberts.

    Seminars organised by Janssen Animal Health (coccidiosis and Blackhead), presentation by vet Stephen Lister.

    Pied (Crollwitzer/Ronquière) and Bourbon Red Standards finalised.

    Standards for Norfolk Black, Buff, and Narragansett finalised.

  • 2005

    Protocol established for Avian Flu and Newcastle Disease. Defra Welfare Code for Turkeys. National cancelled – no AGM.

  • 2006

    Avian Flu – ban on Shows. Defra Poultry Register set up for flocks of over 50 birds.

  • 2007

    Feb AGM – Derek Kelly becomes President, Stephen Lister Vice President. 180 members despite year absence of shows.

    New award ‘Junior Exhibitor of the Year’ proposed. Standards for Poultry Club Book 6th edition submitted, White, Blue and Slate Standards finalised.

    Website review, Michael Sumner re-designed site. Full Show Calendar returns: Balmoral, Devon, Taunton, Cornwall, Highland, Royal.

    Book Turkeys are not just for Christmas written by Janice Houghton-Wallace.

    Michael Sumner takes over editorship of Year Book. Defra introduces Animal Transport Regulations.

    First Club Show at National Poultry Show winner – L Burton.

  • 2008

    ‘Young Turkey Keeper of the Year Award’ established. Janice Houghton-Wallace trophy – J Nolan.

    Turkeys put on the Rare Breeds Survival Trust database. 2008 survey showed increased support – 79 returns with members’ reasons for keeping turkeys given as: 51 pets, 22 conservation, 15 exhibition.

    Members peak 228. Michael Moorhouse and Amy on TV Ready Steady Cook promoting turkeys and winning National with Slate.

  • 2009

    Three main shows plus 12 others with Poultry Club status. A trio class for Turkeys introduced at Club show.

    Michael Moorhouse and Amy, T O’ Neill and Derek Wakeham join the committee.

  • 2010

    Poultry Club Turkey test (H) accepted as required for Panel A judge. Turkey workshop at National.

    Stephen Lister becomes President – a prolific contributor to Newsletters. Turkey eggs sold by Waitrose promotion. Oliver Fowler awarded Young Turkey Keeper of the Year.

  • 2011

    RBST put all Turkey colours on Watch List. Kelly Turkeys agreed to sponsor website. 30 shows with TCUK sponsored classes. Stacy Gilliver awarded Young Turkey Keeper of the Year.

    Stephen Lister becomes President – a prolific contributor to Newsletters. Turkey eggs sold by Waitrose promotion. Oliver Fowler awarded Young Turkey Keeper of the Year.

  • 2012

    Defra Rules for slaughter published. Janice Houghton-Wallace Poultry on Question Time panel at National Show. Turkey Egg Classes at National.

    AGM – Peter Bradnock elected Vice President : committee joined by S Telling, M Moorhouse, D Wakeham, M Sumner, T O’Neil. Junior Vice Chair appointed – O Fowler.

    Turkey Survey indicated fewer birds bred, Norfolk Black the most kept variety. Turkey lapel badge added to merchandise.

  • 2013

    Newsletter – debate regarding standards for Nebraskan and Harvey Spotted. Year Book lists revised Show Standards.

    Ian Waterman of Heritage Turkeys starts promotional series of articles in Practical Poultry (a new magazine). Quinton Rare breeds win National with a Slate.

  • 2014

    Proposal for TCUK egg standard. Protocol produced by DEFRA in regard of Avian Flu outbreak.

    Bath & West expands to four days – Club provides display.

    Turkey classes withdrawn from Scottish National over welfare issues.

    AGM Peter Bradnock elected as President, I Waterman joins Committee. Janice Houghton-Wallace announces retirement at 2015 AGM.

  • 2015

    Turkey Open Day at Heritage Turkeys, Dorset. Newsletters change format to A4 colour printing. Pam Drake edits. Fancy Fowl magazine provides regular column for TCUK.

    AGM – Brenda Waterman Sec & Michael Moorhouse Treasurer. Show Sec D Hawkswood and S Hawkswood (Quinton Rare Breeds) merchandise officer .

    Life Membership given to Janice together with a Libby Turner painting for Services to the Club.

    List of PCGB approved judges (category H) presented for confirmation.

    Fund raiser, lack of Newsletters, 138 members, PayPal, Avian Flu.

  • 2016

    Facebook page established. Joint project with RBST to publicise the 10 Standard varieties of Turkeys launched at Three Counties Show. Training day to introduce breeds to RBST farm parks and members at Heritage Turkeys.

    Phillipe Wilson (RPS) proposes use of Judging Cards. Poultry Club approve Harvey Speckled Standard.

    Review of Standards for 7th Poultry Club edition sent to members for comment.

  • 2017

    Avian Flu closed shows. AGM – J Killeen elected President. PayPal used for subscriptions. 138 members now on Facebook, unfortunately not restricted to Club members.

  • 2018

    Derek Kelly becomes Patron on death of Will Burdett. Club active in placing Turkeys in Farm parks and RBST centres.

    Newsletters reduced to two per year which will be augmented by articles in Fancy Fowl to publicise TCUK activities. Constitution updated. Census of members to gauge their stock and expectations.

    Facebook grown to 450 members with 300 making regular posts, many international people. TCUK Standards Booklet available to members and for sale.

    Carol Harvey received a presentation copy of the British Poultry Standards book from C Price, RBST, in recognition of his life-time contribution to turkeys.

  • 2019

    FAnGR breeds at risk register breed census carried out.

    RBST project on ‘eating quality of single v broad breasted turkeys’ prompted by work of Hannah Moss with Slates in 2018.

    AGM – President Malcolm Thompson elected, Vice Chair Ian Waterman.

  • 2020

    Census data correlated and sent to FanGR. List of White traditional turkeys critical.

    Breeders Network established for four breeds: John Mawson (Pied), Malcolm Thompson (Bourbon Red), Chris Horler (Slate), Ian Waterman (Buff).

    Covid 19 pandemic curtailed shows and meetings. Avian Flu outbreak, birds confined inside in Autumn.

    AGM in December on Teams, Treasurer position vacant, Hannah Moss elected Vice-chair.

  • 2021

    ‘Fliers’ a single page news sheet sent out in January, June, August. Newsletter in March.

    John Mawson elected Vice chair, Lisa Trott Assistant Sec.

    Virtual egg show – Best Three Eggs Chris Bennett; Best Single Karen Elliot; Best Contents Sue Jones.

    Application to Poultry Club for turkeys to be on pilot scheme for using wing tag for identification.

  • 2022

    AGM – January, Janice Houghton-Wallace elected President.

    Open day proposed for June with Chris and Lisa Horler. Avian Flu restrictions not lifted so no Poultry gatherings. National Show replaced by Egg Show in October at Telford.

  • 2023

    March AGM no Quorum achieved. Secretary gave notice but continued to act as a contact until new committee formed. Governance carried out by networking group who had monthly meetings on Teams.

  • 2024

    Victoria Roberts agreed to become Acting Secretary, subsequently elected at AGM in late March, promoted by a Flyer to all known members in early March.

    AGM: President: Janice Houghton-Wallace for a final year, Chairman: Peter Hayford for one year, Vice Chair: Derek Wakeham then take over Chair, committee: Diane Tanner, Cliff Nixey, co-option where necessary. Four to be a quorum. Sue Jones in charge of Facebook and merchandise. Kay Roadnight already kindly agreed to sort rosettes.

    It took until mid June to get organised with bank, Paypal and website. An interim Newsletter was sent with subsequent updates e.g. rescuing the website and getting it updated and visible.

    Avian Influenza risk returned to low, so shows were allowed, the National on 19 and 20 October at Lincoln Showground, the Federation at Stafford Showground on 21 and 22 September, TCUK was at both plus another AGM at the National, agenda distributed.

    AGM at National: Five members attended. Elections from the March AGM were confirmed. Pasi Hellsten officiated as Club Show judge, Champion Turkey, a Slate stag - D and D Wakeham. Turkey Best Eggs - John Tickle, these went on to be Show Champion Eggs! Excellent publicity.

    Another Club Stand was purchased to cover shows in the south for 2025.

    71 paid-up members received the AGM Minutes, the November Newsletter went to the full past membership list. This was a) to prompt those who had not yet renewed their membership and b) in order for everyone to contribute their colours and numbers to Malcolm Thompson who had kindly agreed to organise the DEFRA 24/25 Census. This annual survey shows just the numbers and colours of turkeys (no personal details) so that DEFRA knows they are "at risk" if bird flu causes lockdown. Please respond positively to his contact with your colours and numbers straight away.

    The renewed website is a work in progress and should be fully functional in February 2025.