About Us

Promoting Standard traditional turkeys

About Us

The Turkey Club UK was set up in 2001 to promote traditional Standard varieties of turkey

Turkeys have great characters and they are easy to keep, as long as you do not have too many in a small area. An average garden could accommodate a pair.

Turkeys are native to the Americas and were domesticated by the Aztecs in Mexico. They were taken to Spain in 1500, and introduced from there to England in 1526. The Black turkey, which eventually became known as Norfolk Black was believed to be the first variety of turkey in Britain. As a species they are facing the threat of extinction or constriction of bloodlines, therefore it is important that Turkey Club UK with a growing number of enthusiasts rises to the challenge of helping this majestic bird.


Club Established

Turkey Club UK

The History of Turkeys

Turkeys are native to the Americas and were domesticated by the Aztecs in Mexico. They were taken to Spain in 1500, and introduced from there to England in 1526. The Black turkey, which eventually became known as Norfolk Black was believed to be the first variety of turkey in Britain. As a species they are facing the threat of extinction or constricting bloodlines, therefore it is important that Turkey Club UK with a growing number of enthusiasts rise to the challenge of helping this majestic bird.

Join Today

The aim of Turkey Club UK is to

Conserve and promote all UK pure varieties of turkey.

To identify and maintain breed Standards.

To encourage and assist with advice, anyone wishing to keep turkeys.

Work towards establishing a higher profile for the turkey, as an exhibition bird and utility species of poultry.

Whenever appropriate, promote the turkey by education and illustration.

Join Today

Anyone may subscribe to membership of Turkey Club UK, whether as a national member or an international member. Although most members will probably be keeping turkeys, those people who wish to keep them in the future, or those people who merely wish to support the club’s intentions, will all be most welcome to join.