
Please complete the form below to register your membership.

Anyone may subscribe to membership of Turkey Club UK, whether as a national member or an international member. Although most members will probably be keeping turkeys, those people who wish to keep them in the future, or those people who merely wish to support the club’s intentions, will all be most welcome to join.

The annual membership subscription for 12 months, is: £5 for junior membership (16 years and under) this does not auto repeat, £11 for a single membership and £16 for family membership if paid by cheque or cash, Paypal incurs an administration fee.
Please note: when purchasing Subscription via the PayPal button renewals are automatic from the date you first subscribed.

There are two newsletters a year and hopefully a Yearbook in due course. The Club encourages poultry clubs to include turkey classes at shows and will donate special awards when requested if a stamped addressed envelope is included.

Membership Registration

  • Full Access
  • If you have already paid the membership please tick already joined box and it will be approved as soon as possible.


If you do not proceeed to payment, your subscription will not be approved.