
Download Our Membership Form

The General Secretary

Victoria Roberts BVSc MRCVS



Origin: America

Classification: Light

The Buff is named for the rich cinnamon colour of its body feathers. The breed was recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1874 but very few now exist in America and there is no longer a standard for it there. The breed was extremely popular in Britain at the turn of the last century with its own Buff Turkey Club in the early 1900s.

Colour: male and female

Head: Red, changeable to bluish white

Beak: Light horn.

Eyes: Iris dark hazel, pupil blue-black.

Throat-wattle: Bright rich red.

Plumage in both sexes: A deep cinnamon buff.

Flights and secondaries: Very pale buff.

Tail: Deep cinnamon buff throughout edged with a paler band at the tip.

Legs and Feet: Pink and flesh

Toenails: Light horn.


Any black on feathering. More than one third any colour other than buff showing in either primaries, secondaries, or main tail feathers.

Day-old poults

A pale creamy brown throughout.

Standard weights

Mature stag 10kgs – 12.7kgs (22lbs – 28lbs).

Young stag 7.25kgs – 10.4kgs (16lbs – 23lbs)

Mature hen 5.4kgs – 8.1kgs (12lbs – 18lbs).

Young hen 3.6kgs – 6.3kgs (8lbs – 14 lbs)

Join Today

Anyone may subscribe to membership of Turkey Club UK, whether as a national member or an international member. Although most members will probably be keeping turkeys, those people who wish to keep them in the future, or those people who merely wish to support the club’s intentions, will all be most welcome to join.